Grow Your Own Dandelion Plant Kit
My Cat Grass – Grow Your Own Dandelion Plant Kit is a Premium Quality, Legally Compliant Pet Food Grade Kit for customers to grow Dandelion Plants at home for their cats. Organic Certified, the Cat Grass kit has:
- Added Soil Nutrients to ensure the plant has all the nutrients required to continue to grow
- Soil Association Organic Certified Soil
- Vegan Suitable Certified Soil
- Certified Organic Seeds
- 100% Species Specific Seed Guarantee
- 98% Seed Viability Guarantee
- All Seeds Tracked and traced via pet food grade compliance system
- Seeds packed fresh and thermostatically sealed to ensure long shelf life
- Tamper Proof, Recyclable, Reusable Pot
- Issued With Batch No and Use By Date
The Dandelion Plant Kits are an easy and reliable way to grow environment enriching plants for cats at home. Included in the pot:
- Organic and vegan certified soil
- Packet of premium organic certified, non genetically modified seeds
- Tamper Proof, Recyclable, Reusable Pot
Growing cat friendly, safe plants & flowers for your cat is an ideal way to enrich their environment. The seedlings will appear between 10-14 days after sowing and will grow straight from the tub on a window cill.
Recommended: Purchased in multiples of 3 to grow further sets of seeds 8-10 days apart will ensure a continuous supply of fresh Cat Grass.
Advisory Notes:
Whilst there is currently significant discussion around the use of Dandelion root in the treatment of cancer in cats this research is currently not conclusive. However Dandelion root is prescribed in the UK by veterinary practitioners in tincture form to aid with;
My Cat Grass sells Grow Your Own Dandelion Plant kits solely as an environment enrichment plant for domestic cats and we recommend consulting with your veterinarian if you feel Dandelion extract may assist your cats treatment for any illness.
Our Dandelion Flowers Latin Name: Taraxacum
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